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  • colleenk

The Magic of a Mimosa

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

National Mimosa Day

What is better than starting your day off with a Mimosa, Saturday, May 16, 2020, was National Mimosa Day. In case you didn’t know, a Mimosa is a drink made with champagne (or other sparkling wine) and citrus juice, most notably orange juice. There are a few other versions of it, mix champagne with; Lemonade is called a Lemosa, Grapefruit is a Megmosa, Apple Cider is a Vermosa, Pineapple a Soleil and if you use Cranberry juice, it is called a Poinsettia.

This brunch staple is a sign of first-class events and five-star treatment all over the world. While it is a simple drink, it is generally served in a fluted glass which seems to feel elegant and sophisticated as you mingle and sip.

Over the years, I have noticed a few magical properties of Mimosas. A Mimosa can change people, a change for the better and the change comes about very quickly. Let me tell you about it.

Every year we go camping with a group of friends. Now, camping is not necessarily where you would think to picture Mimosas being served, but we have found it is a great way to ease into the day, enjoy a camp breakfast, and celebrate being with our friends.

One morning a friend arrived as we were beginning our day. Unknown to me she was frustrated that she wasn’t able to arrive the night before. She was anxious about getting her tent and stuff set up. I walked up to her and mentioned that we had a slight problem. I saw the look in her eyes, she immediately went into problem-solving mode. Her thoughts were calculated and her eyes were darting around looking for where the raptor would jump out from. I handed her a glass and said somehow we poured one too many Mimosas. It was instantaneous! Her shoulders relaxed, she took a step back and smiled. She happily received the glass and enjoyed her first sip. Then she told me how she was so worried about getting everything set up, but now, with a drink in her hand and friends to drink with, she knew it was all going to be fine.

Ok, so you can see that one, and maybe you don’t feel it was a great personality change, but here, let me tell you of another of Mimosa heroic saves.

As a group of ladies was having a nice get together for a baby shower, our menfolk had gone off to a meeting. While we were enjoying the expectant mother oohing and awing over the adorable gifts, the first of the husbands returned from the meeting early. Let’s just say the meeting had not gone well and let’s just call him Jim, for the story. Jim is grumping and grouching and stomping around. As this was not the preferred atmosphere we were looking for at a baby shower, we took Jim to the side, sat him down, and handed him a Mimosa and a plate of tea sandwiches and creme puffs. Next time, when we look over at Jim, there is a big smile on his face and he is happily sipping his Mimosa. Alright, on with the shower. Then the next husband arrives, boy, this must have been one helluva meeting. He is on the brink of breaking things, spitting nickels even. Now, let’s call him Bill. We take Bill by the hand, sit him next to Jim, and hand him a Mimosa and a plate of goodies. He takes a few sips, looks over at Jim, shakes his head, and says “well damn, it is very hard to stay mad when you have Mimosas and creme puffs.”

There you have it esteemed readers. Truer words are rarely spoken; it is very hard to stay mad when you have Mimosas and creme puffs. While I can not guarantee that Mimosas can save the world, I am pretty sure, they can make it a better place, even if just for a little while.

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